Friday 6 September 2013

What is creativity & Innovation?

What is CREATIVITY? What is INNOVATION? How do you define an IDEA?
Often the terms 'creativity' and 'innovation' are used interchangeably. Rightly or worngly, the two words are treated by many as synonyms. But do they espouse the same concepts? Is there a difference between the two? What about 'ideas', which is often used in connection to creativity and innovation? A proper understanding of these three terms is crucial before we attempt to embrace and practice innovation.

 It all begins with an idea. An idea is the starting point of creativity and innovation. Without ideas there can never be anything creative or innovative. Just like without cells there can be no living things. Ideas are the building blocks of creativity and innovation. An idea is like a seed waiting to be planted, waiting to grow and mature into something beautiful. An idea has to be new and fresh. An old idea is like a dead seed, lifeless and unproductive

Creativity may be defined as ‘idea generation’. Being creative is to be able to generate or to come up with ideas. Or even to gather ideas. The new idea can be simple or it can be complex. When a child thinks of an idea, even if it is a naughty one, he is being creative. Similarly, when a scientist seizes on an idea, he is exercising creativity. Creativity is hence a process, or a thinking process to be exact. Creativity comes from the word ‘create’. What is ‘created’ or ‘generated’ is the idea.


Innovation, on the other hand, can be described as ‘creativity implemented’. Innovation is putting the idea into practice. While creativity is a thinking process, innovation is a productive process. Innovation adds value to the idea, which otherwise remains as a mere idea. If the idea is likened to a seed, then innovation is the plant that results from planting and nurturing the seed.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Innovation and creative product

we try to innovation our product, for dodol we innovation their flavor. we choose fruit flavor. before this dodol have some flavor such as durian,padan and original. so that we can try to make another flavor. you all must wait our innovation product.




We will produce our innovation product as soon as possible. You all must wait and see our innovation product :D

Process to make gula nisan

How to make gula nisan :D

we use daun mengkuang to make gula nisan shape.

cook a air nira and sugar

shape around a daun mengkuang 

cast a gula nisan to daun mengkuang


packaging of gula nisan just use plastic beg, this is make a gula nisan easy melt when in hot temperature. besides that, this packaging not attract customer to buy. so that we will try to make unique design packaging :D

Saturday 24 August 2013

what is gula nisan and dodol?

 Hai u olls, this blog as well as possible we will post our innovation product, we choose product dodol and gula nisan... not batu nisan ok.. gula nisan.. please repeat.. gula nisan.. yes.. good.. gula nisan and dodol.. :D

                                                            This is gula nisan :)

Gula nisan refers to the candy produced from nisan, a type of confectionery produced from coconut inflorescence. It is usually wrapped in oil paper, or sometimes with colorful plastic. Usually in powdered with cornstarch or flour to prevent it sticky and stick to the packaging.

This is dodol :)

Dodol is a sweet toffee-like confection, popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines (especially in the Ilocos Region in Luzon and the Lanaoprovinces of Mindanao), Singapore, Sri Lanka and Burma, where it is called mont kalama. It is made with coconut milk, jaggery, and rice flour, and is sticky, thick and sweet.
In Muslim majority countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia, dodol is commonly served during festivals such as Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as sweet treats for children. The Betawi people takes pride in making homemade dodol during the Eid ul-Fitr, where families members will gather together to make dodol. The town of Garut in West Java is the main production center of dodol in Indonesia. Many flavors of dodol are available, including a durian flavor called lempuk, which is available in Asian food stores. In Malaysia, it is quite popular amongst the eastern states, such Kelantan and Terengganu, while in Indonesia durian dodol is popular in Medan and other Sumatran cities. It is also popular among the Roman Catholics from the west coastal Indian state of Goa. It is common fare on the streets of Zanzibar, sold as halva. Dodol has also made its way to some Middle Eastern countries, including Iran.

as soon as possible we will post about our innovation product... see u soon.. :*

                                               this blog owner by raja,pika,atul,norly,joe